Industry - Academia Linkage - ibex.

Industry - Academia Linkage

May 08,2018

Participation in Forman Christian College Job Fair - Highlights

The Recruitment Team Lahore visited Forman Christian College to participate in the on-campus Job Fair. The purpose was to attract potential resource through different activities & carrying Brand promotion of ibex. side by side. Along with the recruitment team, Nabiha Elahi – HR Generalist, Alina Zaman – HR Executive & Sameer Azeem – Specialist CIQ represented ibex. at the FC College Job Fair. With an aim to introduce ibex. to the audience and offer work opportunities, the team explained to the students what our core business is and where they can join in. Students interested in Sales and Customer Service were counseled on specific positions and the way forward. They were also introduced to our newly launched app, where they can see the new openings at any given point in time and apply accordingly. The event has surely built a good impression of ibex. amongst the students of FC College and to ensure all participants remember us, goodie bags consisting of a journal, keychain, pen and bookmark were distributed among all students who visited our stall. Contributed by Fatima Khawaja HR Business Analyst PK Site

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